So since I have a midterm on Monday I figured I'd do a study break and ramble on about miscellaneous things about Australia.

In one of my classes a couple people were curious of what Texas was really like and basically asking about my story. Well I started telling them how I'm 22, graduate Decemeber of 2014, and so on. I then asked one of the gals about her background. Well, she won the graduating game..17 and graduates COLLEGE next December. My mouth dropped on that one, especially with me not graduating HIGH SCHOOL until I was 18. I then found out that Bond Uni doesn't require you to do your "core" classes (math, English, history, etc.) unless they are geared towards your major. That being said if a person were to take four subjects each tri semester, they would graduate in six terms (two years).

Another person I talked with lived in Egypt for a couple years then traveled to Germany, and is now here. It is really neat to listen and learn about everyone's background. With it you are given a whole new insight to the world around you. For instance, I met a gal on the bus that was 19 and in her second trimester here at Bond. She told me how she was born in Singapore and moved to Australia when she was six. A random fact I found out was that it's illegal to chew gum there. She also informed me of how safe the country is and how they keep their doors unlocked and people just trust each other.

Something I'm finding out about Americans in general is that we are very reserved when it comes to strangers. Yes I am a bubbly person, however I don't open up right away. With every person I have met here they always made sure to introduce themselves, say hi, and just ask about me. I have realized that America has brought an upbringing of selfishness and no one asks about another, it's just the "me, me, me" concept.(no this is not how I am). However, walking down a street in Texas I am presented with a blur of technology, people running late for meetings, and no eye contact whatsoever. Here in Australia it seems to me that everyone walks at ease, in no rush, and passes me by with a smile. The states are so focused on the school to the work force route that we tend to lose sight of why we are truly here, to live our lives. Personally from this experience, everyone has a story, and everyone wants to know each other's, so why not share.We are all writing our stories in pen, we all have scratch outs and mark ups, and we are all still learning. Let the pages of the book you're writing unfold.

Study flow
Bond Uni
10/5/2013 12:29:13 am

I so enjoy reading all about your adventures! Can't wait for the next chapter to "unfold"! Luv you bug

Stacy Kimbriel
10/5/2013 03:04:34 am

As your fourth grade teacher, I couldn't be more proud of you! I'm thrilled to be able to follow your journey and that you are learning amazing things. You've always been a young lady who exuded confidence, so it is no surprise that you are in this adventure. It's funny to read this today, because I drew a similar conclusion about our culture while I was running this morning. I lost count of how many people were so involved with their phones that they were neglecting the purpose and opportunity to just relaxe outside and live in the moment. It makes me sad to think about our future here in the states, quite honestly. I hope you ace your midterms. I can't wait to read more about your Aussie adventure. Hugs-Mrs K

10/5/2013 03:18:45 am

Awh Thank you Mrs. K, that means a lot! You played a part in the shaping of the person I am today so for that I thank you. Hope all is well! Sending hugs from down under <3

Missy Reitz
10/5/2013 03:44:34 am

I love reading this stuff! One day we will have to go to Australia together! The only thing I ask of you to do is post some pictures of the lovely Aussie boys :)))) love you, bye <3

10/5/2013 03:50:42 am

HAHAH I shall get on that and that would be one heck of a vacation!! Love and mish you best friend<3

10/6/2013 10:32:46 pm

It is wonderful to be able to share your experience this way. You are having the experience of a lifetime and it sure reads like you are right In step. Don't miss a step. What great pics ! Your goal blows me away. What a unique idea and a way to carry on this experience for ever. Love you bunches Alyssa Love Honey


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