Looking back on the past three months, I still can't believe how much that I have been able to experience. Reading through my blog posts (the few that I have actually written) my perspective of things have greatly increased. Sadly, I only have less than a month left on this journey, physically that is. Emotionally, I will continue to grow in the real world once I return back to the states; through incorporating all that I have learned about myself while being here into my "normal", daily life. For starters, I originally thought that being away from home for this brief amount of time would be a breeze. Let me tell you, it wasn't. It has been hard and frustrating not being able to be in constant contact with my parents and friends. I'm very family oriented so this has been difficult for me to not have someone to talk me through my struggles. Yes, I have met countless friends here, but let's be real, when you're swamped with studies and just on a roller coaster of emotions, hearing your mom and dad's voices, calms your nerves. Instead of hearing their voice, I've had to listen to my own, making me stronger and capable to overcome these struggles without anyone by my side.

I am now part of Globalinks' Street Team where I assist them in advertising my study abroad experience and them as a company. In the link provided you will find my Top 5 reasons to study abroad that was featured on their website.


Trips that I have taken since I last wrote on here have been to Sydney, Alice Springs (the Outback), and now I'm currently in New Zealand for Thanksgiving.

Sydney was...AMAZING! I went with three of my friends that I met here and saw the Opera House as well as the Sydney Harbor Bridge. We had the opportunity to climb the bridge and it was a breathtaking view. While there in Sydney we were able to see a bunch of smoke from the forest fires. Our tour guide informed us that the smoke was so thick in the morning that the tour group in the AM couldn't see the opera house at all. Fortunately enough, it cleared up for us. Any who, my friends and I all dressed up and went on a Halloween cruise. What did I go as, yup you guessed it..a cowgirl..although my outfit I felt was incomplete without my boots :(. Our ending to the trip was definitely an experience in the means of public transportation. We ended up getting on the wrong train and going thirty minutes outside of the city when we were attempting to go to the airport. Needless to say when we made it back I was exhausted, and passed out right away. Three days later I was on a plane again..

Alice Springs was unbelievable. I had missed hiking, camping, collecting fire wood and all the outdoorsy stuff that I grew up doing on my daddy's ranch. I went with my friends Chelsea, Nikki, Andreas, and Grady. We left at 3 in the morning on Thursday and got there around noon. This day was spent walking around and looking at the shops. The next morning we got picked up at 6 AM to start our journey to Ayer's Rock. The car ride there was four hours, but we stopped multiple times along the way, one stop being at a huge farm where I rode a camel. I now have the capability of saying that I have successfully ridden a camel in both Africa and Australia. We were with a group of about 20 and bonded with all of them. There were individuals from all over: Germany, France, Denmark, Spain, Netherlands, etc. We cooked our meals on the fire and slept in "swags" underneath the stars. I learned so much about the Aboriginese culture. They actually use Ayer's rock as a giant chalk board to teach so to speak. There are markings and carvings from dozens upon dozens of years ago. These drawings represent stories and the building of their culture. This culture is like that of the Native Americans with them having a story explaining the things and happenings around them, one being the different formations on the rock. These stories are told in a "child's version" because it can hinder an individuals learning that has not undergone Women's Law or Men's Law within the culture. Since this culture continues to pass their traits along, pictures of markings on the rock are prohibited at some points. This is so no one posts pictures of these drawings/formations on the internet to where a person who has not reached that stage in the teachings can see it and become negatively affected. Also there isn't an actual law put through saying how one can't climb the rock, but within the culture it is looked down upon because it is dangerous. The Aboriginese do not incorporate a law because they want others to follow and respect their culture. It was definitely an unforgettable experience.

After Alice Springs the next two weeks consisted of projects and school work. I had three projects and three presentations all within four days, so when Wednesday rolled around I was relieved to finally be leaving for New Zealand.

Now if you think I'm already on an adventure.. My trip GETTING to NZ was beyond a nightmare. We arrived to the airport too close to boarding time so we had to change our flight, along with locations as well. Chelsea, Nikki, and I originally planned on leaving at 6PM Wednesday and flying into Auckland where we would fly out the next morning to Queenstown. Obviously, that wasn't what occurred. Instead we had to switch to a flight the next morning at 6, so we slept in the airport..on Thanksgiving. The next morning we made our flight (thank gosh!!) and then ended up getting quarantined on the plane for 30 to 45 minutes due to someone needing an ambulance or medical attention of some sorts. What happened next? Yeah, we missed our flight to Queenstown. Virgin Australia was able to get us on another flight, but this one had an additional stop in Christchurch. Once we got to Christchurch we checked the time and realized our flight was leaving in five minutes. Now by this time all of us were laughing and emotionless of new olccrrences. Thankfully we made our flight and got to Queenstown safely. This place is BEAUTIFUL!! It's so weird though because their sunset is at about 9 or 930 where as Australia's is about 6. This morning all of us made sure to call home to wish our families a Happy Thanksgiving. With it being this holiday makes it exceptionally hard in the fact that I'm away from home. This is my first time celebrating a holiday without my family. I wast capable of thanking my parents in person for all that they have done for me, number one being allowing me to go on this trip. This trip has definitely made me realize that the tangible items in life do not measure up to the adventures lived and the moments captured.

Ayers Rock
Alice Springs sunset
Sydney Opera House
Sydney Harbor Bridge
Bridge Climb!
Burleigh Beach
New Zealand!
11/30/2013 11:05:01 pm

Love,love love it...what memories you will have


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