I haven't been keeping up with my posts like I should be, so sorry about that. This post will be a recap of the past two

First off I went to Broome last weekend, and was able to see an entire different side of Australia. Yes, I know you're probably
sitting there thinking "it's an island how can a beach be different?". Well, trust me when I say this, it IS different. Here at Bond Uni it's more prim and proper and city like, where as Broome it is a much more relaxed environment. It is very populated with backpackers (why, I don't know). The town was very small and rural, not having a lot to it. I did get a chance to step foot in the Indian Ocean so I'm able to check that off my bucket list. Also, I was able to the staircase to the moon. On our way to Broome we had a layover in Perth where we went to Kings Park and Botanic Gardens In the park is their State War Memorial to honor all the fallen soldiers that have served for Australia. I'm a little bit of a history nerd so I found this

The hostel we stayed at was very easy going and almost camp setting like. I'm a country girl so sleeping on a flimsy mattress on an uneven bunk bed with three bunk beds in a room, wasn't a big deal. We met a bunch of people from Canada, different parts of Australia, Korea, Italy, and many other places. Once again I was referred to as "Texas" instead of Alyssa by them all. It's near to have people be just as curious about my culture as I am about theirs. It has made me aware of all the different "visual images" we have for every where in the world. For instance, before I came to Australia I thought kangaroos were gonna be hopping all over the campus, WRONG. Also how a lot of people ask me if I ride a horse to class instead of a car, that's gonna be a negative. All in all, Broome was nice to visit to see a different side of Australia that people don't know of.

Bunking in the airport--yeah, never again!!
Cable Beach in Broome
After getting back from Broome I had to get back in the routine of school, which was a bummer. Week three went by in the blink of an eye, and I have been having my nose in my books. My first mid term is next Monday in my Marketing Research and Analysis class. Normally I don't freak out much over tests but considering the fact that it counts for 35% of my grade AND I don't know how he tests, yeah freak out mode reached. I also have a 2000 word case study due next week as well, where I am then greeted by the rest of my mid terms.

Now when you study abroad you first feel like woah hey this is awesome it's like vacation. No dirt roads, tumbleweeds, parents, just you and the ocean..for the time being. After my second week reality hit that I was actually IN Australia. By the end of the third week, well reality hit that I was IN school as well. People usually don't believe a person when they say studying abroad is very, I guess you could say, "roller coastery". It's definitely a POSITIVE growing experience. This past week I got home sick, which of course is normal, but it's different when you're on the other side of the world. With Lubbock I can just be like oh I will see my parents in two weeks for fall break, but hereI have to wait till after Christmas. This trip is allowing me to see that I can stand on my own and have the strength to do so.

With the case study I am having to write, it allowed me to figure out the industry I want to work in after I graduate. I want to do youth marketing for a study abroad program, and work with schools directly. The world is growing and from my experience, study abroad is a chance of a lifetime, so I want to help provide that to others.

9/29/2013 05:33:51 am

Awesome baby girl momma is so very proud of you!!!'

Allison Stapleton
9/29/2013 01:43:31 pm

You are truly inspiring alyssa! I hope australia bring you all that you are looking for! Love and miss you dearly!

9/29/2013 04:30:55 pm

Awh thanks so much alliekinssss!! Miss and love you too!!


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